About the Program

KCIS has localized an innovative program by OneBillion to eradicate illiteracy in Persian-speaking countries. The program is called D-Literacy (digital literacy) and can provide access to education where formal educational opportunities do not exist.

The program utilizes smart Android devices and teaches students reading, writing, and numeracy skills intuitively and without the need for traditional schools, teachers, or internet connectivity.

Three years since its inception, the program has expanded to more than 60 centers, benefiting over 3,000 children at no cost to them.

KCIS envisions the D-Literacy program as a pivotal agent in bridging educational disparities and eradicating illiteracy among marginalized students, child laborers, children with learning disabilities, differently abled children, and refugees.

Who Can Benefit from This Program?

Who Can Benefit from This Program?

  • The D-Literacy program is accessible to Persian-speaking children globally, provided they have adequate listening comprehension to follow the self-guided instructions.
  • Designed for children across all school-age levels, the program has four tiers: Danak-0 tailored for pre-schoolers aged over 3 years, Danak-1 catering to lower elementary school children between 5 and 7 years, and Danak-2 and Danak-3 aimed at children aged 7-8 years or those who have completed Danak-1.
  • The program has been transformative for special needs and differently-abled children who face barriers attending traditional schools due to the scarcity of specialized services. D-Literacy has proven effective for children with conditions like Down syndrome, mild microcephaly, autism, and lacking gross and/or fine motor skills.

Project Impact

Project Impact

Starting in 2021, we initiated pilot and deployment programs across various regions in Iran, with a focus on the most impoverished areas. These programs demonstrated great outcomes, as participants:​

  • Gained proficiency in fundamental reading, writing, and numeracy skills, addressing prior gaps in their education.
  • Displayed improvements in vocabulary, reading aloud, and writing competencies.
  • Exhibited improved self-esteem and a newfound motivation to learn and engage with reading materials.
  • Demonstrated enhanced focus and improved emotional regulation abilities.
  • Acquired valuable typing skills and enhanced other fine motor capabilities.
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